Thursday, May 22, 2008


In response to yesterday’s entry on the two statutorily required reports of the New York Superintendent of Insurance, I was asked how many of the 961 Insurance Department employees work for the Liquidation Bureau. The answer is none, nada, nil, zero. The Liquidation Bureau is not a state agency and its employees are not state employees (See Dinallo v. DiNapoli, NY Court of Appeals, No. 111, October 11, 2007, discussed in my October 12, 2007 web entry).

The Superintendent’s report as receiver does not include any information on the Liquidation Bureau’s staffing or budget. The “consolidated” statements contain some information on salaries and expenses relating to estates in liquidation, but this information does not include all estates, and there is no presentation on the Bureau itself. The Superintendent’s Annual Report to the Legislature, at page 237, states that the Liquidation Bureau has “a staff of 450 and a budget of $100 million.” There is no further information, however, on the details of this staffing or the expenses.

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