Monday, October 3, 2011


As of today, October 3, 2011, the New York Insurance Department, believed to be the oldest state regulatory agency in the United States, no longer exists! Today the former insurance and banking departments are merged into the new Department of Financial Services, and the new Superintendent of Financial Services, Benjamin Lawsky, becomes the chief regulator of both the banking and insurance businesses. The picture gallery of past insurance superintendents on the 3rd floor of 25 Beaver Street, which begins with William Barnes in 1860, will end with James Wrynn 151 years later.

The new agency has the opportunity to demonstrate that this sea change in the regulatory framework in New York is a new beginning, and that it intends to fulfill the stated goals of the merger legislation.  This starts with the first stated goal: “[T]o encourage, promote and assist banking, insurance and other financial services institutions to effectively and productively locate, operate, employ, grow, remain, and expand in New York state; . . .”  Nothing could be more in line with this goal than the revival of the insurance exchange!

As many of you are aware, over a year ago the industry working group established by Superintendent Wrynn issued its preliminary recommendations for the reestablishment of an insurance exchange.  After several fits and starts, a draft plan to implement these recommendations was drafted.  However, even though a draft, and with little if any downside to the regulators, release of the draft plan release was repeatedly postponed at the request of the administration.

Today is a new day, and in honor of the old insurance department, and in support of the principal goal of its successor agency, I have posted the draft plan for the implementation of the industry working group preliminary recommendations on the “NY Insurance Risk Exchange (NY-REX)" page of my web site.  Here is the link to that page.  It is my hope that the new agency will embrace the exchange concept under its stated goals, and that it is not too late for its successful reincarnation. 

Farewell Insurance Department! Hello Insurance Bureau of the Department of Financial Services!

1 comment:

ביטוח חיים said...

Thank you very much for sharing you knowledge, especially thank you fir sharing the following: “NY Insurance Risk Exchange (NY-REX)" the information on this page helped me a lot.

ביטוח חיים